January 22, 2025

Here we are, back in the news industry again. For those of you who were not around in the earlier part of the 2000-2003 era, Paintball COW was arguably the largest paintball forum in the Oregon. With over 2500 registered users in our forums we were the place to go to get teams organized, renegade games going, and pretty much helped a lot of the field, store owners, series promoters and more get started. Although we tried to expand into Washington and California, we simply did not have enough promotions in those states to expand and compete against other forums.

Around 2003 a popular national online community had decided to have local regional forums and well… that was our demise. With most players already using this national forum it was just either that they went there instead.

Then, in 2011 I thought I had enough time to bring PaintballCOW back as sort of just a news drop. A place for field owners to send their news and players to see what was going on. Well, I decided that it was not quite time. I was finishing school and I did not have the time to go out and participate in the sport as much as I would have liked. Not to mention I later found out that paintball was seeing some tough times that year (no that is hadn’t been for the last 8 years), so it wasn’t in the cards.

However, now I am officially back in paintball. I have been driving around and visiting some fields, opened up my own store again (and soon to be outdoor field) and talked with some promoters about tournaments. We will soon launch a YouTube channel to feature some videos and we plan to fully support all of our local industry neighbors. Our plan is to help the NW grow again, to help paintball out of the slump and bring everyone in to work together.

So there you have it. I am not the best writer so I will be seeking some help, and paying a little for it. If you have some writing skills and want to earn a little cash, send me an email and I will see what I can do.